Пожалуйста, добавьте Русский язык :( please add the Russian language :(
Пожалуйста, добавьте Русский язык :( please add the Russian language :(
The game is way to difficult. The monsters you fight are OP and it makes this game unfair.
Desde q entré a esta nueva temporada no para de emparejarme con rangos más de 200 , eso es un abuso , por lo menos creen buenos emparejamientos. Olle que ni los de free fire se pasan tantos como estos . Al q creo estos sistemas de emparejamientos deberían despedirlo , mira como le están dando malas reseñas al juego x culpa de esta basura 🤬🤬
One, if not the best poke style games out there I recommend to everyone!!!
I got through a good amount of the tutorial I guess? Will not let me get a gold egg to advance to another part of said tutorial. Should make a way to skip the tutorial in its totality.
Es muy bueno con buena calidad y buen trama
When your grandpa gives you gems to but you a gold egg, it doesn’t work. It has gold egg in red letters.
Porfabor regalen mas jemas
I played this game for a few years. I Had a few 7 stars. I made it through the first play through of the storyline. I kept my daily login streak going for well over a year. I had 500 gems saved for a while because the fortune shrine was fun. Now I have nothing because my phone broke and the game needs a transfer number in order to play again. In order to get the transfer number you need to login to the game on your smashed/soaked/timewarped/droppedintoavolcano phone that you’ve been playing on. You’ll have to go get your phone out of that sharks mouth. I absolutely do not recommend you invest time into this game. You will lose it the same way.
Can u guys please fix the update because I can’t hatch my starter egg after today’s update i appreciate it . The game is fun
The main problem is… wasting gems on any package that isn’t 50 gems with a guaranteed Mythic monster. The other packages rarely offer Mythic monsters. Even if the 40 gem package says guarantee Mythic.. it’ll give you 2 Legendary monsters instead. Or neither. Which was my final straw. Gems take very long to accumulate in this game. I’m not going to keep investing in this game if they’re not going to give me the monsters I need to stay strong and maintain playing the game competitively. Hopefully the balance of receiving Mythic monsters be restored to this game. Otherwise it ends up feeling like a waste of time.
I miss dragon island blue
I’ve played this game since the day it came out and the first game monster island and there great games. The main issues is the content of this game. I’ve waited for years for a new story update but they just won’t update it. Instead they just recycle content over and over again
I can’t even complete the third trainer In the ADVANCED league??? Pls make it easier 🥹🥹🥹 then I will give 5 stars ⭐️
Love everything about this game except the nude women. Come on man, it’s a game for KIDS and adults. There’s no need for nude women humanoids on this game. Please get rid of that.
It would be great if we can add a contact customer support or report a problem button or something in the settings
So I have been hatching the 9th aniv egg and even with the increased odds of getting a super epic bc I’m looking for a specific one but I keep getting epics almost every time
The game is good but nothing beats hunter island hoping this reaches the right person because a lot of people miss and wanna play that game, even if it’s just and update so that it’s playable on newer devices the game is very similar to this one so it’s not impossible. I’d be willing to pay for it regardless of the price
Personalmente me encanta este juego pero quisiera reportar algo, no sé si es problema de mi cuenta o de los creadores de ZigZaGame, no me salen míticos y muy pocos legendarios en los tiros de 4 gemas, llevo casi 1 año jugándolo y nada, quisiera que revisaran a ver qué sucede porque la verdad que lo estoy al desinstalar, fuera de eso es el mejor juego y sería una decepción para mi con el esfuerzo y el entusiasmo que juego el NEO MONSTERS, muchas gracias!!
For a free game this is one of the best, no adds AND you can play offline! Perfect game for me!
Is very good game
Good game, very interesting and fun to play BUT the monster design for some of the female characters are a bit over the top and sexualized, it got weird as I progressed and unlocked some of these characters, had to delete
There are bad things on this game. There are bad monsters on this game. Stop delete those monsters no that is not OK.😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🫵🏻😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 not OK!!!!!!!!!!! that’s very inappropriate for nine year olds. This game should be for 18. AND UP
Dejen de sexualizar el juego
Sleep is the most op thing ever and why is the mythical overpowering
Good game
I love this game been playing for like 2 years now but with how many mons there are they need better rates for pulls several months to collect gems just to waste them all trying to get the new mon and I still think that 40 free gems for 10 pulls is awful where as 10 paid gems for 10 pulls is a thing if you want people to buy gems cool, but make an event day or week where the people who don’t want to pay for gems can use free gems to pull 10 mons it just seems a little unfair to those who don’t want to spend money on gems
Porque tiene muchos gráficos es divertido las peleas también es bastante entretenido
El juego es lo mejor d lo mejor pero lo que no me gusta y es una de las cosas más importantes que uno compra con gemas pagas pensando que debe de tener un poco más de beneficios que con las otras gemas Pero no ya llevo un tiempo tirando y no me sale nada más que de super épicos para abajo está carbon eso
I love this game, and I wish I could give it a 4.5, but I have one issue. To battle, you have a timeline. Every attack adds an amount of time. When all the monsters are asleep except for one, and that monster has a lot of time, it has taken up to a minute to get to my monster. I wish there was an option to skip to the next available monsters turn. It can waste a lot of time during dungeons when I only have a few minutes to play. Otherwise an awesome game, the support team was super helpful when I lost my data, and I was able to recover it thanks to them. I love this game and would recommend trying it out for people who like Pokémon.
Love it
It’s so annoying in ultra eveloution I need something goo but it’s to hard to get so I see it’s in the ranks in pvp live so I do it but I always verse someone that has all legendarys and mythical and I am garbage at the game like do it with someone that is the same level and hero rank as you
Uno de los mejores juegos que e jugado
It’s a fun game and not too pay to win
Un excelente juego, la historia es algo aburrida pero en todo lo demás es genial
Al comenzar el juego después de actualizarlo no me quiere cargar el proceso de descarga por favor necesito ayuda me encanta el juego si alguien puede ayudarme se lo agradecería
I’ve been playing a few months and I’ve had very little luck in the draws making game progression very difficult. My friend has gotten three legendaries and a mythic in a week and I’ve drawn around 150 times and have yet to get even a single legendary. The way the drops are set is just bad. 4 percent doesn’t even seem to be correct. I’d like the game if I could at least get something to progress my game but nope nothing but epic drops and very few super epics
Ok so me and my friend were playing this game because I downloaded thinking ut was “family friendly” but yet the hatch screens bro…….the hatch screens!!!!!
Why do they update the game so much, it's always the same, balance of monsters, game bug, a new event and a new monster. It is necessary to update the game every month up to twice a month to do these things, I think it is super unnecessary and a waste of time for the players
the characters like The girls are pretty inappropriate and Dirty poses I don’t really like how your just trying to hurt people for example: your kid gets a mystical woman and it’s OP so ur kid uses it And they keep on seeing the sexualize accessories on the monster [I’m thinking about deleting it]
I give it a one star because once I go back spawn there always this hand showin me where to tap but when I tap nun happen I can’t play or do nun I’m just stuck on da screen buzzing
that’s it, that’s all i want. new content. like a new story chapter or new online chapter, just something fun to spend hours on
i used to love playing this game but its kinda ridiculous neow..only way to evolve the best monsters is to have multiple copies…they are already super rare so ur most likely gonna have to spend money on overpriced gems to maybe even get them fully evolved…on top of that most of them arent even monsters?? just anime women mostly portrayed in a sexual way…its obvious they only care about making money neow instead of an actual good game..kinda sad. but yea don’t expect to get any of the best monsters especially fully evolved without spending hundreds..honest review from someone whos been playing since around 2015🤓☝️☝️
I love this game but,why so many women with like NO BRA!? I mean, especially because they’re the mythicals they are the strongest. but every time I want really strong monster, I don’t wanna have to look at them there’s barely any other mythical monsters that aren’t THAT. i’m nine and I don’t like them. Please remove them so I can have a good experience thank you.
Its the best game I ever played
Reminds me the old Dragon Warrior for the NES.